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The basis of this procedure is the galvanic, low frequency direct current. Using the two electrodes in the apparatus, electric field is created, which influences the cells of the organism. As a result, there is a difference of bio potentials, i.e. a physical and chemical shift, which has a positive effect on the lymphatic and blood circulation, and on the secretory function. The blood vessels, both deep and skin-level, are widened. 
During electrophoresis, various medicinal substances are put on the ends of + and - electrodes which then accumulate in the skin, creating a depot there. Thus, the medicine will gradually penetrate into organs and act on the body. 
• Hypertensive heart disease 
• Neuralgia (low back pain, sciatica) 
• Sedative effect on the nervous system 
• Absorptive effect on inflammatory infiltrates 
• The above-mentioned diseases in the acute stage 
• Cancer 
Reference: M. E. Mendelson, 1890


Ultrasound treatment is carried out by high-frequency sound vibrations. The sound, just like the wave, propagates into tissues at 4-5 cm. Ultrasound has mechanical, physical-chemical and thermal effect, which leads to tissue metabolism in the body. The procedure is performed with a variety of anti-inflammatory ointments: indomethacin, hydrocortisone, laticort, cortona, diclofenac, karipain, etc. Both the anti-inflammatory ointments and the sound waves affect, thereby alleviating pain, reducing edema, improving blood circulation, and leaving anti-inflammatory effect. 
Ultraphoresis conducted with medications is called phonophoresis. 
• Arthritis, polyarthritis, arthrosis 
• Low back pain, sciatica 
• Injuries 
• Chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer 
• Some skin diseases. 
• Myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, hypertension, thrombophlebitis. 
Reference: Chilingarian, "Treatment of Nervous Diseases by Physical Methods," Yerevan, "Luis", 1987. 

Magnetic Therapy (MT)

The magnetic field affects the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine systems and musculoskeletal apparatus. The magnetic field can be constant, pulsed, high or low frequency. The physical nature of influence by the magnetic field lies in the fact that the human body, as a conductor of electricity, is used so as to give a certain amount of charged particles to the tissues. This improves the nutrition, circulation and metabolism in tissues. 
• Diseases of the spine and joints: deforming arthrosis, arthritis, low back pain. 
• Cardiovascular diseases: hypertension, cardiovascular disease of limbs (endarteritis, atherosclerosis), varicose veins. 
• Diabetes (in vascular lesions). 
• Neurological disorders: peripheral nervous system diseases, cerebrovascular accident, chronic ischemic heart disease. 
• Hemorrhagic syndrome, pregnancy, collapse 
Reference: A. M. Gurlenyan, 2008


UHF is a method of treatment is the impact on the body by the electric field of ultrahigh frequency (UHF). Even exposure of body tissue to the lowest frequency UHF promotes vasodilatation and increase blood circulation, provides an analgesic effect. UHF accelerates regeneration of peripheral nerves, the absorption of the inflammatory infiltrate, and reduces swelling. 
• Neuralgia, neuritis, myalgia. 
• Various inflammatory processes: Raynaud's disease, thrombophlebitis, hypertension, pneumonia at an early stage, bronchitis, pleurisy, gastritis, cystitis, low back pain, arthritis, post-surgical wounds, trophic ulcers, festering wounds. 
• Hypotension, aortic aneurysm, purulent sinusitis, pregnancy, pacemaker in the affected area. 
Reference: I. N. Sosin, 1996

Quartz Tube (UVR)

Ultraviolet radiation has antiviral, bactericidal effect in the nose and on the inflammation of the mucous membranes in the throat. It is used to disinfect indoor air. 
Quartz is indicated for diseases of the upper respiratory tract: chronic tonsillitis, chronic rhinitis and pre-influenzal condition. 
Reference: T. A. Knyazeva


Darsonvalization (D’arsonvalization) is a method of physical therapy based on the use of pulsed high-frequency current (110-400 kHz), high voltage (tens of thousands of volts) and low power (up to several mA). 
The procedure is performed using glass electrodes, which are filled with the discharged air. Electrical discharge that occurs between the skin of the patient and the vacuum electrode leads to the electronic and ionic polarization of cell potentials and chemical changes in the tissues. Under the influence of local Darsonvalization circulation and tissue trophicity improve, tissue, blood vessel and skin tones normalize, headaches and dizziness reduce. 
• Vasoconstriction 
• Raynaud's disease 
• Endarteritis 
• Constriction of the coronary vessels
• Inflammation of the facial nerve 
• Herpes 
Reference: "Physiotherapy Directory", A. N. Obrosova, 1974.

Amplipuls (CMT)

Amplipulse is one of the methods of electrotherapy, based on the use of sinusoidal modulated currents with curative and rehabilitative purposes. CMT has a number of important medical effects. Among them first of all are the neuro-stimulating, analgesic, vasodilatory and trophic effects. The procedure is performed in 5 modes. For analgesia the third and fourth modes are used, while the first, second and fifth modes – for stimulating the nerves. 
• All types of pain: fractures, bruises, myositis, small size hematomas. 
• Inflammation of the peripheral nervous system: optic neuritis, neuralgia, plexitis, Raynaud's disease, muscle electrostimulation 
• Sciatica, low back pain, arthritis, arthrosis. 
Reference: "Physiotherapy Directory", Chilingarian.


The central nervous system is affected by low-frequency electricity /15Volts/, which reduces the pain threshold and causes analgesia. It also affects the sleep centers, the respiratory system, the autonomic nervous system in the cerebral cortex, the tone of cerebral vessels is increased, oxygen saturation of blood is improved, hematopoiesis is stimulated. 
Headaches, sleep disorder, neurosis, the initial stage of sclerosis, coronary artery disease. 
Epilepsy, festering wounds, intestinal infections, bleeding, myocardial infarction, malignant tumors. 
Reference: Gilyarovsky.