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Inhalation & Oxygen Cocktail




Inhalation (from Lat. inhalo - breathe) is a method of drug administration, based on the inhalation of gas, vapor or smoke. Inhalation can be natural (in sea resorts, in the forest) and artificial, with the use of special devices/nebulizers - inhalers. According to the method gaseous volatiles, liquid aerosols and powders with certain particle size are introduced into the body. Inhalational administration reduces the absorption time, provides a selective effect of the introduced substance on the respiratory system (bronchitis, tracheitis, asthma), allows you to get both local and resorptive effects, and have a systemic effect on the entire body (inhalation anesthesia). 
At the Arzni Resort steam inhalations with mineral water and medicinal oils is practiced, lasting 6-12 minutes. 
• Chronic rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, trachea, tonsillitis, asthma. 
• Aggravation of the above-mentioned diseases and cancers, pulmonary hemorrhage, heart failure, arrhythmia, emphysema, etc. 
Reference: L. M. Ogorodova 

Oxygen Cocktail

Oxygen therapy is one of the techniques used in therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. It activates cell metabolism, eliminates hypoxia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Hypoxia induces changes in the respiratory, cardiovascular and other systems. Oxygen therapy regulates the function of the immune system, cell metabolism and fatigue. Stomach tissues utilize oxygen more efficiently because the supply of oxygen parenterally (by mouth) is more efficient. 
Oxygen cocktail consists of a liquid flavor base (juice, syrup, milk) and oxygen. Foaming ingredients: herbal and plant tinctures, rosehip.
• Cardiovascular disease 
• Diseases of the respiratory system 
• Nerve disorders 
• Diseases of the internal organs. 
• Aggravation of the above diseases and cancers.
Reference: Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia